
Map of Laos 寮国(老挝)地图

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Location of Laos 寮国(老挝)位置图


Visa on arrival

A visa on arrival is also available to most people entering at the airports in Vientiane, Luang Prabang and Pakse, as well as the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge between Nong Khai in Thailand and Vientiane and on the Lao/vietnam-Border. It is also available when entering via Stung Treng (Cambodia), although guesthouses in Cambodia and the Lao embassy in Phnom Phen will tell it is not to make money with visa services. When applying for a tourist visa or to obtain a visa on arrival, one (maybe two at Lao embassies) passport photo is required (although you may be able to pay a US$1 "fee" to have this requirement waived).

Prices range from US$30 to US$42 depending on nationality - Americans pay US$35, Australians US$30, Canadians US$42, Chileans US$30, Belgians US$30, British, Dutch, Swiss US$35, Swedes US$31, Germans $30-$35.

Visas can be obtained in advance from Lao embassies/consulates. The fee varies by nationality/embassy; US$20 is common, although can be as high as US$63 (in Kuala Lumpur). Processing times also vary; 2-3 days is typical, though you may be able to pay an extra small amount (around US$5) to receive the visa in as little as one hour. In Phnom Penh the travel agencies can arrange the visa the same day (but may charge as much as US$58) while getting it from the embassy takes a few days. Getting a visa from the embassy in Bangkok costs around 1400B for most nationalities, plus 200B more for "same day" processing. It's cheaper and quicker to get one at the border.

Visas are also available at the Lao PDR consulate in Khon Kaen, Thailand. A single entry tourist visa (for Americans) costs 1,200 baht (about $40 USD). Paying in US Dollars is slightly cheaper ($35 USD). Visas can be issued in as little as 10 minutes. Requirements: Passport, visa application (available at consulate), and one passport photo OR photocopy of passport page. Hours: M-F 8AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM.

There are Visa-on-Arrival facilities at the international airports in Vientiane, Luang Prabang and Pakse, and at all border crossings (see below), including now overland from Cambodia (visa on arrival facilities opened at Voen Kham -north of Stung Treng, Cambodia- in February 2010). The cost varies between US$30 and US$42 (if paid with US$ notes; paying with Thai baht will cost considerably more and border officials will not accept Lao kip at all). A US$1 "out of office hours/overtime" surcharge, and a small (possibly 10 baht to US$1) entry stamp fee, might also be charged.

Entry permit extensions (sometimes referred to as "visa extensions") are available from the Immigration Department in Vientiane (US$2 per day) and via agencies elsewhere in Laos (who will courier your passport to Vientiane and back again, around US$3 per day minimum of 7 days).

~Info courtesy of Wikitravel~



Laos has three distinct seasons. The hot season is from March to May, when temperatures can soar as high as 40°C. The slightly cooler wet season is from May to October, when temperatures are around 30°C, tropical downpours are frequent (especially July-August), and some years the Mekong floods.

The dry season from November to March, which has low rainfall and temperatures as low as 15°C (or even to zero in the mountains at night), is "high season" (when the most tourists are in the country). However, towards the end of the dry season, the northern parts of Laos — basically everything north of Luang Prabang — can become very hazy due to farmers burning fields and fires in the forests.

~Info courtesy of wikitravel~

Lao or Laos?

Lao or Laos?

The people call themselves Lao and the language is Lao, so where did that "s" come from? The answer seems to be a mistranslation from French: somebody read royaume des Laos ("kingdom of the Lao people") as royaume de Laos ("kingdom of Laos"), and the name stuck. The correct form of the name, however, is Lao PDR and, should you have any incoming mail, using it will increase the odds of it passing the censors.

~Info courtesy of wikipedia~

Visa free nationalities 免签证国籍

Russians, Japanese and ASEAN nationals including Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines can enter Laos "visa free"; all other tourists need a visa in the form of a tourist visa (for one or possibly two months) issued by a Lao embassy or consulate.

免签证国籍 - 俄罗斯、日本、东南亚。

Lao Embassy Abroad

Lao Embassy Abroad 老挝(寮国)驻外使馆

Below are the list of Laos Embassies abroad. You can find its contacting address and number as listed below:

1 Dalman Crescent, O’ Malley
Canberra, A.C.T. 2606
Tel: (+661 6) 2864595, 06-2866933
Fax: (+661 6) 2901910

19, Avenue Brabançonne
1000 Brussels
Tel: +32-(0)2-740.09.50
Fax: +32-(0)2-734.16.16

DarussalamLot No. 19824, House No. 11Simfang 480
Jalang Kebang Saan Lama 3786 Off Jalang Muara
Bander Seri Begawan 3786
Tel: (637) 02 – 345 666 Fax: (673) 02 – 456 888

1517 Thanon Keomani
P.O. Box 19, Phnom Penh
Tel: (+855 23) 26441, 24781
Fax: (+855 23) 27454

7 Ave. Calle 36 A
505 Miramar, La Havana
Tel: (+53 7) 33105-57, 331058
Telex: 511500

74 Avenue Raymond-Poincare
75116 Paris
Tel: (+33 1) 4553 0298, 4554 7047
Fax: (+33 1) 4727 5789

Am Lessing 6
53639 Konigswinter 1
Bonn, Tel: 02223-23925

E53 Panchsheet Park
New Dehli 17
Tel: (+91 11) 642 7447
Fax: (+91 11) 642 8588

Jalan Kintamani Raya C15 No33
Kuningan Timur, Jarkata 12950
Tel: (+62 22) 5202673, 5229602
Fax: (+62 22) 5229601

3322 Nishi Azabu, Minato-Ku
Tokyo 106
Tel: (+81 3) 5411 2291, 5411 2292
Fax: (+81 3) 5411 2293

108 Jalan Damai, 55000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (+60 3) 2248 3895, 2242 0344
Fax: (+60 3) 2242 0344

Ikh Toiruu
P.O. Box: 1030
Ulan Bator, Tel: (+976 1) 326440, 329898

NA 1 Diplomatic quarters
Franser Road, Yangon
Tel: (+95 1) 22482, 27445
Fax: (+95 1) 27446

34 Lapu – Lapu StreetMagallaness VillageMakati City
Tel and Fax: 833-5759

U1. Rejtana 15/26
02516 Warsaw
Tel: (+48 22) 484786, 488949
Fax: (+48 22) 497122
Telex: 813593 BTXCB PL

PR China 中国北京
11 San Litun Dongsi Jie
Beijing 100600
Tel: (+86 1) 5321224
Fax: (+86 1) 5326748

PR China (General Consulate) 中国昆明
Room 3226 Canellia Hotel
154 East Dong Feng Road
650041 Kunming
Tel: (+86 871) 3176623-24
Fax: (+86 871) 3178556

U1. Karchalova 18
121069 Moscow
Tel: (+7 095) 2031454, 2916966
Fax: (+7 095) 2904246
Telex: 413101 AMLAO SU

179-B Gold Hill Centre, Thomson Road, Singapore
Tel: (65) 6250 6044, 6250 6741, 6250 6014

Hornsgata 82 B1 TR 11721
Tel: (+46) 8 6685122
Fax: (+46) 8 6692176

520, 502/13 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39
Bangkapi, Bangkok 10300
Tel: (+66 2) 5396667-69
Fax: (+66 2) 5396678

Consulate General in Khonkean
19/1-3 Phothisarn Road, Khonkaen
Khonkaen, Thailand
Tel: (+043) 223473, 223698

United Kingdom
Victoria Road 12-14
London W8-5rd
Tel: 93 71 912
Fax: 93 76 108
Code: 00-44-171

United States
2222 S Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (+1 202) 3326416-17
Fax: (+1 202) 3324923

Permanent Mission United States
317 East 51 Street
New York, 10022
Tel: (+1 212) 8322734
Fax: (+1 212) 7500039

22 Rue Tran Binh Trong, Hanoi
Tel: (84 4) 254576, 296746
Fax: (84 4) 228414

Laos General Consulate in Ho Chi Minh
181 Hai Ba Trung, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (+84) 8 299275, 297667
Fax: (+84) 8 299272

Laos General Consulate in Danang
12 Tran Quy Cap
Tel: (+84 51) 21208, 24101
Fax: (+84 51) 22628